Online Philippines Traffic | Webmaster Resources

Want great link placement and free targeted traffic for your travel oriented
website? Feel free to email us at any time for a link exchange. Be sure to link back to Philippines
Addicts first with the link information below. We prefer text links.
For larger link trades please contact us directly so we can explore any mutually beneficial
Trade Philippines Traffic | Permanent Links Philippines
Philippines Addicts has a very large section of quality Philippines related website links from all over the country and we are
always looking to add more quality websites with great information on the Philippines. If you
have a Philippines related web property, please dont hesitate to contact us immediately. If you
are interested in advertising, have a look at our advertising rate page consisting of up to date
rates and proof of publishing via Google Analytics.
If you wish to trade volume traffic please let us know what you have in mind and
we'll work out something that is mutually benificial to both parties. If you simply wish to have
your website added to the Philippines Addicts links directory, please add our link on your website
first then contact us with your website and detailed link
information today. Your website will then be added into our vast Philippines links directory usually the same day
Looking to Chat with Filipina
If you would like to exchange links with Philippines Addicts please send an email to
and include your URL, anchor text along with a short description of
your website.
Philippines Addicts Linking Requirements
- Your website address
- Your website title
- The URL where we can see a link back to Philippines Addicts