Philippines Money Matters | Exchange Rates Tipping
Detailed Philippines Money Matters while traveling and living
Regarding Philippines Money matters there are always a lot of questions revolving around money
and Philippines Addicts covers all the practical answers to questions you might ask no matter what country you may
come from. Our international membership of over 30,000 people will quickly give you an answer to any Philippines money matter if it isn't posted in the forum already.
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Useful Money Tips in the Philippines like:
Current currency exchange rates
What types of currencies acceptable are acceptable in the Philippines
Locations of the best money changers in the Philippines
Hundreds of useful money saving tips while visiting the Philippines
Useful Philippines money tricks for personal security and insurance

All information found inside the Philippines Addicts forum is current and posted by experienced
Philippines travelers and expats from all parts of the World giving you a wide variety of viewpoints and
perspectives in each conversation thread.
Current experiences on changing money including possible scams to avoid and money saving tricks
on when not to change money in the Philippines. It's prudent to be well informed on all money
matters before taking your first plunge into the Philippines.
Saving Money in the Philippines | Economy Tips for Philippines
Philippines Addicts is proud to say we are 100% flame free and any derogitory remarks are dealth
with harshly leaving the end user with a smooth friendly Philippines information browsing experience. Our friendly
members will give you informative information on how to save money best used for other things such as the bars and
Philippines nightlife.
Join Philippines Addicts 100% free Philippines Travel community and get valuable experienced ideas on saving money during
your visits to the Philippines today.
Be sure to join our sister site Pattaya Addicts for all information on Pattaya and Thailand.
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