Discounts Philippines | Save Money Angeles City Subic Bar
Looking to save a little money on your trip to Angeles City or Subic Bay
Philippines? |

Discounts Savings Angeles City and Subic Bay
Pickup your discount card for only 300 pesos at Grand Central Hotel on Fields Ave in
Angeles City Philippines or Cheap Charlies Bar in Subic Bay. Please check our website for an updated list of
discounted establishments.
Philippines Addicts has just added a new Philippines membership discount card now available
free of charge for being a member of our growing Philippines Nightlife
community. These discounts cards can give you significant saving in various establishments in Angeles City and
Subic Bay. We will be expanding this list as time goes on for even more benefits.
Only requirement is that you become a member of Philippines Addicts and pick up your discount
card at Grand Central Hotel located in the middle of Fields Avenue in Angeles City. There is no purchase
necessary just supply your board name.
Save Money on your Philippines Trip by joining Philippines Addicts
Join our Philippines Nightlife Message Board today and
participate in the thousands of threads about Angeles City, Cebu, Manila, Subic Bay
and other popular Philippines destinations with loads of Philippines expat living, nightlife and travel information.
Angeles City and Subic Bay Bar Hotel Nightclub
Restaurant Discounts
Philippines Addicts has a growing list of popular Angeles City and Subic
Bay Bars Hotels, Nightclubs and Restaurants with more being added all the time. If you are a business
owner in the Philippines and wish to give our members a discount at your establishment, please don't hesitate to
contact Philippines Addicts now.
Here's a list of the Philippines establishments currently on our discount
Learn about Philippines Nightlife and Travel today and join our 100% Friendly
and Flame Free Philippines Forum Message Board Community.
Be sure to join our sister site Pattaya Addicts for all information on Pattaya Thailand Nightlife.
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